Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Project Life Weeks 7 and 8

Two more weeks done and another ready to post.. (soon)

Week 7 of my Project Life album filled up quick..with it being Valentine's week. We spent the day with my sister and her cutie pie kids. 

Week 8 we took another trip to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and Natalie played with her cousins and in the snow. :)

I'm so glad I'm documenting our lives this way..especially since the days seem to be flying by so quickly...
Week 7

Week 8

I've been a little obsessed with adding arrows to my pages and I got an idea that I'm so proud of..

If you have a Cricut or any other die cutter this will be super easy!

I just cut out lots of different shapes and sizes and diff colors of arrows...
and viola!...
Crafty, yes.


linking here:

The Mom Creative

Monday, March 18, 2013

Go fly a kite..

 Yep..it's kite flying weather!

And we like that around here. :)

Actually, Natalie got a kite as a party favor (great idea by the way) she could not wait till the weather finally warmed up so we could go out and fly it.

It's really been feeling like spring around here.. 85 degree days, ice cream, late nights, flip flops..Spring is in the air!

Love how these simple things keep her so happy. :)

Linking here:
Ni Hao Yall

Thursday, March 14, 2013


A little bit of scrapbooking..

I used another Inspired Blueprints sketch..love those!

And using up some of my supplies always feels good. :)

I took these photos at the San Diego Wild Animal park..Natalie loved picking these little yellow wildflowers that were sprinkled all over the park.

Here's the Sketch #85

Monday, March 11, 2013

March Photo Challenge Days 1-10

I've always wanted to try a photo challenge when I really started getting into the world of photography.

 I think they are a fun way to be a little more on the creative side..which I like.

There's lots out there on the web but I love iheartfaces..there's always tons and tons of inspiration on their blog..

You can check out all the details here if you'd like to join in the fun.

So here goes nothing (( I'm trying to stick with my iPhone 4 camera and the lovely Instagram app)) 


Day 1: Me

Day 2: Favorite

Day 3: Happy

Day 4: Out of Focus

Day 5: What I'm Doing Now (#widn)
at work.

Day 6: Straight

Day 7: Key

Day 8: Leap

Day 9: Sweet Tooth

Day 10: Time

Working on the next 10 days....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Spending some time with  this one around the house.

I don't want to miss these little moments..

I just got a new 50mm lens for my camera and had to test it out...so far I LOVE it!

Still trying to get my focus just right on these closeups..

Monday, March 4, 2013

Inspired by..

I few weeks ago I got news that one of my favorite scrapbook sketch sites was coming back..

They have an awesome design team and the sketches always give you some mojo when you need it.

I had time to play along with sketch #84 and hopefully inbetween doing Project Life I can squeeze in a few layouts and play along more. :)

Here's the sketch:

Project Life- Week 6

Hello there.

Playing catch up on my Project Life 2013 album.

I'm enjoying this process so much I've been considering going back the past few years and starting albums for all the years I've missed. 

It might be a bit time consuming but I think in the end it will be totally worth it.

After reading this blog post about how this girl went back the past 9 years and caught up using Proj. Life..I think I might be able to tackle this!

I know Natalie will love looking at these albums in the future...she already loves looking through the pages I've finished..she points out a picture and says "Look!! I remember! That's me!" ..so cute..

So here is my completed week 6..

Friday, March 1, 2013

Unexpected Day

I  love days like today..


I was on my way out the door headed to work..but we had no carseat for my little...the hubby forgot to put it back in my car!

So we couldn't get to the sitter..and I had to call out and stay home...boohoo..lol

What did we do with this lovely 1st day of March? Head to the park.
It was 80 degrees and sunny..I feel spring in the air! :)

This was also the 1st time miss Natalie walked the entire way all by herself (while holding my hand of course) to the park.

She meet the cutest little curly headed boys and she said they were her best friends lol.

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